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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Keep your mouth cleaner How to turn bad breath into the fresh breath.

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mouth cleaner

Mouth cleaner:

Mouth cleaner: There are things that are very embarrassing to discuss. But it is necessary. How many people are embarrassed because of bad breath from the mouth - is unknown. To some, it is absolutely indifferent. And someone earns a great complex, seeing the shrunken noses of others. And to talk about it happens so it is a shame ... In general, we will try today to freshen our breath.

The fight with the smell needs to start in the dental office. As the rotting tooth smells, I think everyone knows. To bring him to such a state is unreasonable. But it happens that they start the teeth exactly to this state. And it happens that caries or tartar, like a relic, are carefully stored in the mouth. They also have a bad smell. And if a so-called pocket near the tooth is formed - the smell is stronger than caries. That's why you need to visit the dentist at least once a year, even if nothing bothers you. Completely sanitized mouth is the first step to fresh breath. A great mistake is made by people who live by the principle of "got up, washed, brushed their teeth."
The sequence of hygiene procedures should be different - "got up, washed, breakfast, and only then I brushed my teeth." Uncleared food remains with bacteria by lunch will turn into a garbage dump.

If you are sure that the mouth is full, and the unpleasant odor is still bursting, it is worth considering whether there are any diseases. Let's start with the nasopharynx. In chronic forms of tonsillitis, rhinitis and other diseases, especially if they are accompanied by purulent inflammation, it can also unpleasantly smell from the mouth.

The same happens if there are gastrointestinal diseases. Then, of course, you need to be treated by a doctor.

An unpleasant odor may appear after some products. Basically, it is a question of food, which contains live microorganisms. After the cottage cheese, kefir, kvass, and other products with live cultures, you need to brush your teeth. Otherwise, they will stay in their mouth and mouth cleaner removes it.
 continue their simple life activity, rewarding you with a nasty smell.
From the mouth can also smell bad habits: coffee, cigarettes, alcohol give a specific and very unpleasant smell. The same problems can also be delivered by some medicines, for example, after taking the obsidian, a nasty taste remains.
So, let's summarize.
 An unpleasant smell from the mouth can be due to poor teeth, nasopharyngeal diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, improper teeth cleaning, products with live cultures, bad habits and medicines.

There are cases when during the day there is no way to brush your teeth (after dinner, for example, if not at home, and at work). What to do? To use improvised means. For example, carefully rinse your teeth. Once upon a time, it was fashionable to rinse your teeth with an elixir. Now the fashion for him, unfortunately, has passed.

 But in fact, it is practically the only useful and safe tool. For example, chewing gum which is now very zealously advertised, in fact, after dinner, one should not chew - it will even deeper pound the food between the teeth. The special dental sprays Americans so adore are so poisonous that the tongue after them burns and tears splatter from the eyes. Well, what kind of cool chemistry are they wearing? Mint tablets and other candy can only be sucked from time to time. Even if only because that there is no harm from them. But the benefits are very doubtful since the effect is very short. Here, perhaps, that's all. There is nothing else to use. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Multi-articulated basic exercises to grow muscles

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Muscle Mass

Complex exercises are exactly what will make you grow. Isolated movements are more suitable for giving forms to individual muscle groups. But they have no effect on hormonal growth in your body and, accordingly, on the growth of muscle mass . Complex, complex exercises are squats, dead lift, army bench press and any such movements.
These are exercises that require the use of the maximum number of muscles at the same time. And this is the basis of bodybuilding and the art of growing muscles in general.


Muscles do not grow in the gym - it's a fact. And they grow right at the time when you are already resting from the gym. Naturally, if you rocked heavily in the gym, your muscles will become slightly swollen and will look much larger. This is what makes you think that with every training you become bigger and more muscular. Only you are wrong. It must be remembered that this result is a temporary phenomenon.
After about an hour, this effect begins to come to naught and your volumes will decrease to about the same as when you came to the gym first. Your muscles need a good rest and "sleep" for a night, to provoke a healthy growth of hormones in the body. Namely, the volume of the musculature depends on the hormonal level in the body. Sleep must be at least eight hours a night. Any lack of sleep will prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Eating after exercise

It is very important. Imagine an old train that moves on coal fuel. You throw coal in order for the train to move, and then stop pouring coal into the furnace. What immediately happens? The train stops. The same happens with your body. The food before training gives you energy during the training itself.
Your body literally suffers if it lacks nutrients at the end of the workout. If you do not feed them, you will not have the energy to restore the muscles and grow them later.
In the post-workout period, you should take at least 45-50 grams of protein. Add to this two times more carbohydrates (90-100 g). If you are aimed at serious results, then try to choose the simplest products for food. If you are prone to gain weight fast, it is worth sticking to more protein nutrition in complex dishes.

Reduce cardio load to a minimum

Here's to you one more science - and to comprehend it, you do not need to have an academic degree. When you use cardio loads, you will definitely need fuel (calories). Calories are needed for growth. You spend calories - you lose your results. No, I'm not talking about the fact that cardio loads should be abandoned altogether. This is not strictly necessary.
Cardio is a great way to prevent the collection of excess fat during nutrient saturation. Also, cardio helps to strengthen the health of the heart muscle. .
Another cardio stimulates the appetite, making it possible to compensate for the calories lost during the intensive training. You will feel great, using low-intensity cardio in terms of training. This will help to avoid losses in muscle mass. The minimum cardio loads are ideal for the saturation period.

Increase the amount of calories

To increase weight (muscle) , you need to increase the amount of calories consumed. This does not mean that you need to overeat at McDonald's every day, unless, of course, you want to look like an airship.
An easy way to do this (especially if you are already delayed in muscle growth) is to monitor the calories consumed. Once you calculate how many calories you consume daily, add 250-500 calories to your daily diet and check your results exactly in a week.
Do not forget that 3500 calories are equal to one earned pound. So, theoretically, if you increase the number of calories by 500, every day for a week, then you will easily earn a pound for a week. Now let me explain something to you - it's not as simple as you might think at first. You will not stuff cakes into yourself ...
You still need to eat clean, simple foods to know firmly that you do not get excess fat. Yes, during the saturation period you will get some fat. If you gain a small amount of fat mass, then you just need a little more careful approach to the diet. To control the growth of fat mass, it would be nice to record your weight and volumes once a week on the same day, at the same time. This will help to achieve the most accurate results.

8. Water
Water is the key to everything, no matter what goals you are trying to achieve. A sufficient amount of fluid in the body speeds up the synthesis of proteins, that is, your body will be able to process more protein. Water is also a great way to retain moisture in the body without consuming sweet fizzy drinks and tea.
Strive to drink about a gallon of water a day (this is about 3.7 liters). If you sweat heavily during training, then you definitely need to drink even more. The ideal way to monitor the amount of water you drink is to store water in containers of a certain volume.
Once the water in the bottle or the carafe is finished - you will know exactly how much you have drunk. At this point, you can fill the bottle again and start from the beginning. Water also maintains your metabolism in the norm, thanks to its oxygen saturation. Overdosing of water still did not kill anyone, so, drink more!
9. Trainings
Let's talk about the mentality and the psychological side of the issue. The stubbornness is excellent. Only with training this is not quite the right policy. Because of their own perseverance and psychological hardness of purpose, many begin to train too hard, which minimizes the desired results. Depending on the level of your training, you should go to the
gym 3-6 times a week.
Trainings should be short, but intense. This means that you should put your workout in a period not longer than one hour. If the training will last longer, then you will simply lose your results slowly. This will be due to a decrease in the natural level of testosterone. The key to success is regular experiments to find out which training style is right for you.
Some people respond well to a decrease in the number of repetitions, while on others it is better to increase their number. Someone gets off with a minimal number of approaches, and someone needs a much larger number. I recommend starting with light exercises and minimal load, gradually increasing the load and progressing.

If you find that you do not grow with the number of approaches and repetitions that you do, gradually increase the load and watch the reaction. We are all different. It is necessary to use different approaches in order to find out what is right for you.

If the construction of the body of your dreams would be easy, everyone could look good. This requires hard work and determination. Continue to train and do not be afraid of change. Changes give a spark to the start of muscle growth, and almost everybody tries to achieve it.
10. Have fun!
Pumped up guy, for the most part, bodybuilding is some kind of daily serious work. Most people like this work. Professional bodybuilding is not for everyone. Purposefulness and hard work are not for everyone. Everyone can call himself a bodybuilder, but not everyone can adhere to this lifestyle on a daily basis.
You need to find something that will motivate you every day. Set yourself different goals - both distant and close, follow the progress, overestimate the results. Have fun, try a new one. Do not turn lessons into a daily burden.
Evaluating the daily progress and observing the improvement, you will have sufficient incentive to constantly maintain this lifestyle. Of course, there are such lousy days when there is simply no desire to go anywhere, especially to the gym. But after all, once you get there, everything will change.
Bodybuilding is not just a weekly or monthly exercise. Bodybuilding is a way of life . No matter how many are enough for you, nobody knows. But, adding fun to the process, you will not lose anything? The life of a bodybuilder is a great way to stay healthy, having a body that you always wanted. Take your first step right now.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Premature ejaculation or premature ejeculation

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About premature ejaculation is to say in cases where a man ejaculates (spewing seed) before or immediately after the start of sexual intercourse.
In other cases, we are talking about a subjective assessment by the partners or a specific set of circumstances.

Premature ejaculation Causes

For some reason, it is believed that the problems concern only "indifferent youngsters", who are trembling from the very thought of the upcoming "men's exam". In part this is true. It often occurs in just beginning sex life of men - over excitation and inexperience are affected. However, as a rule, soon after the beginning of a regular sexual life stops. It also happens in adults or elderly men who have a big break in their intimate life.
Despite many reasons, they can be divided into psychological and / or physiological.

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation:
·       overexcitement;

·       extreme fatigue and overstrain (illness of businessmen);
·       fear of defeat as a result of past intimate failures;
·       disharmonious relations between partners.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation:

·       an increased level of hormones in the thyroid gland;
·       deficiency in the body of magnesium and zinc;
·       trauma of the lumbar region;
·       hypersensitivity of the glans penis.
It should be noted that the increased sensitivity of the glans penis is one of the most common causes of premature ejaculation.
The increased sensitivity of the glans penis may be both congenital and acquired (for example, due to the transferred balanitis or phimosis).
In such cases, a man can choose one of two: either use condoms and lubricants-antidepressants of prolonging action, or decide on a circumcision operation.
In cases when the increased sensitivity of the glans penis is caused by the transferred balanitis (inflammation of the skin of the penis) or phimosis (cornification of the inner side of the foreskin), circumcision may be indicated for medical reasons.
Other physiological causes of premature ejaculation - chronic vesiculitis, inflammation of seminal vesicles - vesicles.
Because of the pathological process, the sensitivity of the walls of the vesicles increases, and they can begin to contract more rapidly than usual, as a result of which the seed rushes "out" too early.
It’s a consequence of chronic vesiculitis arises irregularly, in contrast to premature ejaculation because of the increased sensitivity of the glans penis. However, with chronic vesicles, it can be accompanied by painful sensations, and the feeling of orgasm can be blunted. Lubricants and condoms in such cases, premature ejaculation does not prevent.
Considering that chronic vesiculitis, as a rule, develops against a background of prostatitis and / or other inflammatory diseases of the genital area, it is better to consult a doctor immediately if such symptoms occur. Having diagnosed (using ureterostomy) and having established the diagnosis, our specialists will take all necessary measures to provide you with effective care, depending on the specific causes of PE.
premature ejaculation Treatment
How to get rid of premature ejaculation? This question worries many men of different ages, professions and nationalities. There are various treatments for premature ejaculation, among which are the following:
·       Medicamentous treatment, including the use of special drugs that prolong sexual intercourse, as well as antidepressants;
·       psychotherapy (if there are psychological problems);
·       treatment of premature ejaculation with herbs;
·       application of exercises (for example, Kegel exercises).
Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles were first used for women who had just given birth. However, later it turned out that these exercises are ideal for men, because they help to prevent by training the lumbosacorpus muscle.
But if, after applying conservative therapy, a man still cares about how to cure PE, surgical methods for treating premature ejaculation can help.
The following Surgical methods are known:
·       circumcision;
·       plastic frenulum of the penis (frenulotomy);
·       denervation of the glans penis.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Health Benefits of Fruit

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Modern lifestyle diseases, like obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS), can lead to many complications, including hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease. They also accelerate the course of aging processes. Appropriate dietary interventions can help regulate glucose and energy metabolism, and thus improve the outcome for affected individuals.

Among the interventions is a caloric restriction, which helps reduce insulin resistance by preventing suffered hyperglycemia. This often requires long-term management of the dietary size of choice and the part that is difficult to maintain for most complete questions. For this reason, functional foods, like passion fruit are being studied for their potential contribution to reducing the resistance of weight and insulin.

Metabolic benefits
One mixture is in the fruit of passion, which has stored a lot of interest in piceatannol, an analog of resveratrol. Latter polyphenol, which was shown to lower glucose levels, and to increase endurance, in several rodent studies.

A clinical study on resveratrol in people with an excessive-high body mass index (BMI) confirmed these results, as well as its ability to produce a decrease in blood pressure and higher mitochondrial breathing in muscle tissue, as well as the activation of several muscle kinases. Piceatannol shares many of these benefits, improving metabolic parameters and breakdown of glucose, reducing vascular tone, increasing levels of eNOS (which is vaso-protective), promoting collagen synthesis, and reducing ultraviolet damage to the skin. In fact, its activity is higher than the activity of resveratrol.

One study showed that insulin levels in the serum were significantly reduced in a fasting state in total people with the addition of piceatannol, as well as a drop in blood pressure and heart rate. This was not seen in women or in people with normal BMI. Another study in mice showed the inhibition of postprandial ascents in blood glucose levels as well, which points to the potential for antidiabetic activity with piceatannol supplements. Further studies are needed to understand the change in effect with the composition and genus of the body, as well as performing more sensitive and longer-term assessments of changes in glucose and insulin parameters.

Cardiovascular benefits
Cardiovascular effects of piceatannol antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of polyphenol seem to mediate. It is known that the failure of vasorelaxation, which is mediated by eNOS activity, is characteristic of endothelial dysfunction. This would lead finally to atherosclerosis through lipid oxidation and inflammation of the blood vessels. It also activates the dimethylaminohydrolase of dimethylarginine, and thus blocks the natural shutdown of eNOS. Again, it increases the stability of the eNOS, thereby increasing its half-life. It has other mechanisms of vascular anti-inflammatory action as well. Piceatannol thus has profound cardioprotective effects, and the central mechanism of action cannot be managed out either. In addition, it can help stabilize cardiac myocytes.

Each serving 100g of passion fruit supplies about 30g potassium, or a quarter of a daily requirement. This is one of the best things to do to reduce cardiovascular risk. Potassium is a vasodilator and is necessary for the activity of significant ion channels in the cell membranes.

Antioxidant benefits
The passion fruit also contains many other antioxidants, like C-glycosyl flavonoids, chlorogenic acid, isovitexin, caffeic acid, quercetin, rutin, and luteolin. These also play a role in the management of glycemic and lipid, but precise effects and doses should be clarified through further study. A single serving can contain about 30g vitamin C, and significant quantities of carotene and cryptoxanthin, which are powerful antioxidant molecules lowering the risk of time-related degeneration, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C also stimulates collagen synthesis and improves epithelial health, as well as an immunomodulator in order to boost congenital immunity.

Dietary fiber
Passion fruits also contain a large amount of dietary fiber (98% of the daily intake), which helps improve intestinal health, reduce pH and amyoc level in the colon and thus encourage healthy intestinal microbiota, and relieve constipation and flatulence. Again, fiber reduces appetite and this again leads to lower insulin levels and the reversal of metabolic syndrome. It also results in lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Fruit rind is also rich in fiber soluble, which has independent antidiabetic and anti-dyslipidemic effects. Fiber also lowers the risk of colorectal cancer. Piceatannol also counteracts the irritation of colonic leading to intestinal inflammation.

Eye Health
A large amount of vitamin A in the fruit of passion can guarantee eye health against time-related macular degeneration, prevent cataracts, and lower the rate of aging and wrinkling of the skin.

The passion fruit also contains an appreciable amount of copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, contributing to bone health and to normal RBC counts, which helps counter anemia.

Advantages of Anxiolytic
Some rodent studies found a marked anxiolytic and sedative effect on supplementing the diet with passion fruit, due to Harman alkaloid. It can also help relieve insomnia.

Advantages of Anti-Tumor
Anti-cancer effects include apoptotic effects on the lines of the human cancer cell, as well as inhibition of migration and epithelial anchoring of metastatic cells in breast and prostate cancer. Piceatannol also blocks the understanding of HDL by neurons to which the autoantibodies ecto-F1-ATPase are bound. It can thus slow down the development and progression of Alzheimer's disease. It can also block the antigen-induced WBC degranulation and thus prevent allergic reactions.

The passion fruit is not just a very tasty tropical addition to the menu, but the powerhouse has several potential health benefits and should become part of a varied and rich diet when available in the season.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Diffuse toxic goiter

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Diffuse toxic goiter is a very unusual disease of the thyroid gland.  At each reception, endocrinologists meet patients with Based’s disease - at least three to four patients with diffuse toxic goiter are sent to specialized centers of endocrinology each day.
Causes of Based's disease
The cause of the disease is the invalid functioning of the human immune system, which begins to produce specific antibodies - antibodies to the TSH receptor, directed against the patient's own thyroid gland. These antibodies, oddly enough, do not destroy the thyroid gland, but, on the contrary, force it to work very actively. The thyroid gland under the influence of antibodies begins to produce excessive amounts of hormones, which leads to the appearance of symptoms of thyrotoxicosis - thyroid hormone poisoning.

Signs of a common disease
Symptoms of diffuse toxic goiter (Based's disease) are so specific that patients often diagnose themselves, even before visiting a doctor. Heat, sweating, heart palpitations, often - interruptions in the work of the heart, irritability combined with rapid fatigue, weight loss - all these symptoms force the patient to turn to the endocrinologist.
If this also marks a characteristic increase in the eyes - the diagnosis of Based's disease becomes apparent even for the layman.

All the symptoms of Based’s disease can be divided into several groups:
  • ·       related to the defeat of the heart (the appearance of arrhythmia, increased heart rate
  • ·       tachycardia, additional contractions of the heart
  • ·       extrasystole, hypertension); - associated with the defeat of the endocrine system (weight loss, a sense of heat);
  • ·       Violation of the skin (sweating, the appearance of swelling of the legs) and nails (increased fragility);
  • ·       associated with disruption of the nervous system (hand trembling
  • ·       tremor, muscle weakness, fatigue, excitability, tearfulness);
  • ·       associated with disruption of the digestive system (diarrhea);
  • ·       associated with eye damage (endocrine ophthalmopathy
  • ·       the appearance of protrusion of the eyeballs outward, edema of the tissues around the eye, incomplete closure of the eyelids, pain during movement of the eyeballs, etc.).