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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Symptoms of diabetes type 2

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus are hidden for a long time, and the diagnosis is most often determined when analyzing the level of glycemia. For example, during an all-season medical examination. If type 2 diabetes is prescribed, the symptoms can manifest mainly in adults over the age of 40, but even then the patients do not complain of severe fatigue, thirst or polyuria (increased urination).

The brightest signs of type 2 diabetes are itching of any part of the skin or vaginal area. But this symptom is very common, so in most cases, patients prefer to seek help from a dermatologist or gynecologist, without even suspecting that they have symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
From the onset of the manifestation of the disease to the precise determination of the diagnosis, many years often pass, at this time in many cases the symptoms of type 2 diabetes already acquire a clinical picture of late complications.
So, patients are hospitalized with ulcerative lesions of the legs, a heart attack, a stroke. Often appeals for help to ophthalmologists due to a sharp and rapidly developing decline in vision.

The disease develops in several stages and there are several types of severity:
  • 1.    An easy degree. Usually found with a correct and full medical examination. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes will not make themselves felt with proper treatment. Therapy will consist of observing a simple diet, as well as taking 1 capsule of a sugar reducing agent.
  • 2.    The average degree. Here the symptoms can appear, but without any further complications for the body. It is possible to improve the condition by using sugars reducing agents per day.
  • 3.    Heavy degree. Symptoms in this form will have significant consequences, up to an urgent hospitalization and an unscheduled operation. In addition to taking sugar-reducing drugs, you will have to resort to insulin.

Stage 2 diabetes mellitus:
  • ·          Compensatory. The stage is completely reversible and in the future, the patient will undergo a complete recovery since the signs of type 2 diabetes are not manifested at all or appear insignificantly.
  • ·   Sub compensatory. It will take a more serious treatment; some symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be present in the patient until the end of life.
  • ·       Decompensation. The metabolism of carbohydrates in the body changes completely and is disturbed, it is impossible to return the organism to its original "healthy" form.

Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in most cases is based on the detection of a symptom of hyperemia (elevated blood sugar level) along with standard signs are (the aforementioned obesity, heredity, etc.).
If these signs are not detected for one reason or another, an absolute deficiency of insulin can be additionally established. At him the patient sharply loses weight, experiences a constant thirst, ketosis develops (active fat splitting for the maximum preservation of energy in connection with the small maintenance in an organism of carbohydrates).
This procedure for determining the level of fasting glycemia is shown to people older than 40 years 1 every 3 years. Especially acute in this study need people with excessive body weight.
Young patients should be checked for insulin-dependent diabetes in such cases:
  • ·       They are overweight
  • ·       They lead a sedentary lifestyle;
  • ·       Suffer from arterial hypertension;
  • ·       The level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) exceeds the norm;
  • ·       Have cardiovascular diseases;

A woman gave birth to a child weighing over 4 kg and/or suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (various abnormalities of the ovaries function).
Another analysis is testing of glucose tolerance. Before the procedure, the person who has been ill for several days should consume 200 grams of carbohydrate-containing food per day, and you can drink unlimited amounts of sugar-free water. Usually, blood values for diabetes will exceed 7.8 mmol / l.
For a correct diagnosis, 10 hours after the last meal, a test is performed. For this, blood can be taken from both the finger and the vein. Then the subject uses a special glucose solution and gives blood four more times: in half an hour, 1 hour, 1.5 and 2 hours.

In addition, an analysis of urine for sugar can be offered. This diagnosis is not entirely accurate since sugar in the urine can appear for a number of other reasons not related to diabetes (type 2).

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