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Thursday, June 7, 2018

Multi-articulated basic exercises to grow muscles

Muscle Mass

Complex exercises are exactly what will make you grow. Isolated movements are more suitable for giving forms to individual muscle groups. But they have no effect on hormonal growth in your body and, accordingly, on the growth of muscle mass . Complex, complex exercises are squats, dead lift, army bench press and any such movements.
These are exercises that require the use of the maximum number of muscles at the same time. And this is the basis of bodybuilding and the art of growing muscles in general.


Muscles do not grow in the gym - it's a fact. And they grow right at the time when you are already resting from the gym. Naturally, if you rocked heavily in the gym, your muscles will become slightly swollen and will look much larger. This is what makes you think that with every training you become bigger and more muscular. Only you are wrong. It must be remembered that this result is a temporary phenomenon.
After about an hour, this effect begins to come to naught and your volumes will decrease to about the same as when you came to the gym first. Your muscles need a good rest and "sleep" for a night, to provoke a healthy growth of hormones in the body. Namely, the volume of the musculature depends on the hormonal level in the body. Sleep must be at least eight hours a night. Any lack of sleep will prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Eating after exercise

It is very important. Imagine an old train that moves on coal fuel. You throw coal in order for the train to move, and then stop pouring coal into the furnace. What immediately happens? The train stops. The same happens with your body. The food before training gives you energy during the training itself.
Your body literally suffers if it lacks nutrients at the end of the workout. If you do not feed them, you will not have the energy to restore the muscles and grow them later.
In the post-workout period, you should take at least 45-50 grams of protein. Add to this two times more carbohydrates (90-100 g). If you are aimed at serious results, then try to choose the simplest products for food. If you are prone to gain weight fast, it is worth sticking to more protein nutrition in complex dishes.

Reduce cardio load to a minimum

Here's to you one more science - and to comprehend it, you do not need to have an academic degree. When you use cardio loads, you will definitely need fuel (calories). Calories are needed for growth. You spend calories - you lose your results. No, I'm not talking about the fact that cardio loads should be abandoned altogether. This is not strictly necessary.
Cardio is a great way to prevent the collection of excess fat during nutrient saturation. Also, cardio helps to strengthen the health of the heart muscle. .
Another cardio stimulates the appetite, making it possible to compensate for the calories lost during the intensive training. You will feel great, using low-intensity cardio in terms of training. This will help to avoid losses in muscle mass. The minimum cardio loads are ideal for the saturation period.

Increase the amount of calories

To increase weight (muscle) , you need to increase the amount of calories consumed. This does not mean that you need to overeat at McDonald's every day, unless, of course, you want to look like an airship.
An easy way to do this (especially if you are already delayed in muscle growth) is to monitor the calories consumed. Once you calculate how many calories you consume daily, add 250-500 calories to your daily diet and check your results exactly in a week.
Do not forget that 3500 calories are equal to one earned pound. So, theoretically, if you increase the number of calories by 500, every day for a week, then you will easily earn a pound for a week. Now let me explain something to you - it's not as simple as you might think at first. You will not stuff cakes into yourself ...
You still need to eat clean, simple foods to know firmly that you do not get excess fat. Yes, during the saturation period you will get some fat. If you gain a small amount of fat mass, then you just need a little more careful approach to the diet. To control the growth of fat mass, it would be nice to record your weight and volumes once a week on the same day, at the same time. This will help to achieve the most accurate results.

8. Water
Water is the key to everything, no matter what goals you are trying to achieve. A sufficient amount of fluid in the body speeds up the synthesis of proteins, that is, your body will be able to process more protein. Water is also a great way to retain moisture in the body without consuming sweet fizzy drinks and tea.
Strive to drink about a gallon of water a day (this is about 3.7 liters). If you sweat heavily during training, then you definitely need to drink even more. The ideal way to monitor the amount of water you drink is to store water in containers of a certain volume.
Once the water in the bottle or the carafe is finished - you will know exactly how much you have drunk. At this point, you can fill the bottle again and start from the beginning. Water also maintains your metabolism in the norm, thanks to its oxygen saturation. Overdosing of water still did not kill anyone, so, drink more!
9. Trainings
Let's talk about the mentality and the psychological side of the issue. The stubbornness is excellent. Only with training this is not quite the right policy. Because of their own perseverance and psychological hardness of purpose, many begin to train too hard, which minimizes the desired results. Depending on the level of your training, you should go to the
gym 3-6 times a week.
Trainings should be short, but intense. This means that you should put your workout in a period not longer than one hour. If the training will last longer, then you will simply lose your results slowly. This will be due to a decrease in the natural level of testosterone. The key to success is regular experiments to find out which training style is right for you.
Some people respond well to a decrease in the number of repetitions, while on others it is better to increase their number. Someone gets off with a minimal number of approaches, and someone needs a much larger number. I recommend starting with light exercises and minimal load, gradually increasing the load and progressing.

If you find that you do not grow with the number of approaches and repetitions that you do, gradually increase the load and watch the reaction. We are all different. It is necessary to use different approaches in order to find out what is right for you.

If the construction of the body of your dreams would be easy, everyone could look good. This requires hard work and determination. Continue to train and do not be afraid of change. Changes give a spark to the start of muscle growth, and almost everybody tries to achieve it.
10. Have fun!
Pumped up guy, for the most part, bodybuilding is some kind of daily serious work. Most people like this work. Professional bodybuilding is not for everyone. Purposefulness and hard work are not for everyone. Everyone can call himself a bodybuilder, but not everyone can adhere to this lifestyle on a daily basis.
You need to find something that will motivate you every day. Set yourself different goals - both distant and close, follow the progress, overestimate the results. Have fun, try a new one. Do not turn lessons into a daily burden.
Evaluating the daily progress and observing the improvement, you will have sufficient incentive to constantly maintain this lifestyle. Of course, there are such lousy days when there is simply no desire to go anywhere, especially to the gym. But after all, once you get there, everything will change.
Bodybuilding is not just a weekly or monthly exercise. Bodybuilding is a way of life . No matter how many are enough for you, nobody knows. But, adding fun to the process, you will not lose anything? The life of a bodybuilder is a great way to stay healthy, having a body that you always wanted. Take your first step right now.

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