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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Diabetes mellitus type 2

Diabetes mellitus type 2
Diabetes mellitus type 2 (insulin-independent) - a pathology characterized by a violation of the production of carbohydrates in the body. In a normal state, the human body produces insulin (a hormone), which processes glucose into nutrient cells for body tissues.
When diabetes is not insulin-independent, these cells are more active, but insulin distributes energy incorrectly. In this regard, the pancreas begins to produce it with a vengeance. Increased secretion depletes the cells of the body, the remaining sugar accumulates in the blood, developing into the main sign of type 2 diabetes - hyperglycemia.
Unambiguous causes of type 2 diabetes are still not established. Scientists have proven that this disease is more common in women, adolescents during puberty. Representatives of the African-American race are often ill.
Thus, the causes of type 2 diabetes are:
  • ·       Obesity;
  • ·       Ethnicity;
  • ·       Lifestyle;
  • ·       Maintaining a diet;
  • ·       Bad habits;
  • ·       Arterial hypertension.

Obesity, especially visceral, when the fat cells are located directly in the abdominal cavity and cover all organs. In 90% of cases, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes are manifested in full people. Most often, these are patients whose excess weight is due to improper diet and consumption of a large amount of harmful food.

Ethnicity is another cause of type 2 diabetes. This symptom is sharply manifested when the traditional way of life changes to the exact opposite. Diabetes of the second type, together with obesity, causes a sedentary lifestyle, the absence of any physical activity and a constant stay in one place.
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus also arises due to the peculiarities of a particular diet (for example, medical or professional sports). This happens when you use a lot of carbohydrates, but with a minimum content in the body of fiber.
Bad habits are important causes of type 2 diabetes. Alcohol damages pancreatic tissue, reducing insulin secretion and increasing its sensitivity. This body in people suffering from this dependence significantly increased, and the special cells that are responsible for the production of insulin, and altogether atrophy. It is noteworthy that insignificant consumption of alcohol per day (48 g) reduces the risk of the disease.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 often appears together with another problem - arterial hypertension. This is a chronic disease in adults, which is associated with a prolonged increase in blood pressure. Very often, the causes of diabetes and hypertension are identical.

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