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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Foods low in carbohydrates

Do you want to lose weight with the least expenditure of time, money and energy? In the world of modern technologies, this path is most often chosen. In pursuit of a slim body, the vast majority of people do not go to the gyms but resorts to low-carb nutrition.
As shown by many years of experience, excluding from the menu of products with a high level of carbohydrates leads to a good result. Man for a short time and for a long time gets rid of excess weight without harm to health. Really from carbohydrates one harm? And why not abandon them at all?

The importance of carbohydrates for the body
Carbohydrates are necessary for a person for his normal life. Therefore, excluding them completely from the diet is very dangerous. This will lead to the failure of all body systems.
Carbohydrates are the number one energy supplier. They also perform a transport function, supplying the necessary amount of protein with muscle tissue.
It is customary to distinguish between simple and complex carbohydrates. Great harm to our figure is caused by products with a high content of substances of the first group. This includes sweets and confectionery. Useful for the body are complex carbohydrates. But they need to be used within reasonable limits. Otherwise, their excess will be deposited under the skin in the form of a fat deposit.
The need for an organism in carbohydrates varies from person to person and sometimes reaches 600 grams. It all depends on lifestyle, level of physical activity, metabolism and many other indicators. For low-carb nutrition, a person should consume at least 150 grams of these substances per day. Otherwise, unavoidable violations of the stomach, intestines and health problems during exercise.
Low-carbohydrate nutrition: protein and fats
By refusing to eat high-carbohydrate foods, it is highly undesirable to reduce the amount of protein and fat that comes with food. Protein does not have the property of being stored in the form of fat. It plays the role of a building material for muscles and other tissues. The protein synthesizes hormones, blood constituents, enzymes and various vital substances.
The average protein for an average person is about 80 grams per day. The need for it increases with age, as well as after difficult physical exercises and illnesses.

By receiving foods with a low carbohydrate content, the body will require a large dose of protein. To fill its deficiency is worth, but it is not recommended to exceed the daily volume of protein. The daily protein norm is calculated approximately based on the body weight: per kilogram from 1.5 to 2 grams of protein.
As for fats, they are no less necessary than protein. They are an energy source, and also serve to update and build the tissues and cells of the body.
According to most, excess fat intake leads to weight gain and elevated cholesterol. The truth is in this, of course, there is. But most of the guilt lies here on carbohydrates. The essence of the following.
During the low-carbohydrate diet, the body receives insufficient amounts of substances, the consumption of which we have limited. Accordingly, he begins to experience a deficit and moves to a new type of fuel, obtained as a result of the breakdown of fats. At the same time, energy is generated not only from food fats but also from the fats of the human body. To reduce simultaneously their quantity and level of carbohydrates in food means to lose both energy sources.
Such a barbaric attitude towards one's health will lead to a deficit of protein. The body will treat the protein as a new energy source. Therefore, reducing the carbohydrate content in food, it is necessary to reasonably increase the amount of consumed fat.
Observing a strict low-carbohydrate diet, the approximate ratio of biologically significant elements should be as follows: 10% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 60% fat.
What concerns low-carb products?
By refusing to eat high carbohydrates, you do not need to panic if after 14 days your scales will show the addition of extra pounds. This is not fatty deposits, but the collected liquid.
Nutrition during a low-carb diet can be varied. The list of products is quite large. These include:
  • ·       vegetables;
  • ·       fruit;
  • ·       greenery;
  • ·       a variety of types of nuts;
  • ·       mushrooms;
  • ·       Sunflower seeds and pumpkins;
  • ·       various berries;
  • ·       leguminous crops;
  • ·       a great variety of juices.

A minimum of carbohydrates contains citrus fruits. At the same time, dried fruits are not to be carried away, since they are very caloric.

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