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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fasting in Ramazan

Fasting is one of the worthiest rites of worship, one of the most glorious deeds. Its usefulness and superiority are mentioned in many sacred texts and legends.
Fasting is prescribed for all communities and peoples
The dignity of the post is indicated by the fact that Allah has prescribed it to all communities and peoples without fail. Allah Almighty said: " O you who believe! You are prescribed a fast, just as it was prescribed for your predecessors, perhaps you will be afraid "(Qur'an 2: 183). If this rite of worship were not so important, if people could do without it and without the reward entrusted to them, then Allah would not order the believers to fast at all times.

Fasting in Ramadan - the redemption of sins
Also, the dignity of fasting is indicated by the fact that fasting in Ramadan promotes the forgiveness of sins and the atonement of atrocities. It is said from the words of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: " Whoever fasted in Ramadan with faith and hope of reward will be forgiven for the sins committed before " (Bukhari and Muslim). This means that fasting is necessary with faith in the One God, with the hope of His reward, experiencing satisfaction from this mandatory injunction. The fasting should not harbor hatred of this duty and doubt the truth of the reward for it, and then Allah will certainly forgive him for the sins he committed before.

In another hadeeth narrated from Abu Hurairah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The five prayers, the performance of every next Friday prayer and the observance of every next fast in Ramadan serve as an atonement for the sins committed between them, grave sins "(Muslim).

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