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Saturday, May 26, 2018

The best way to lose weight quickly, easily and effectively

Now it's fashionable to be thin. Slim modern ladies. Popular diets and dietary supplements, the effectiveness of which is questionable. For those who decided to lose weight, it is important to decide how to lose weight very quickly?

It is believed that having sustained a diet, you will become slimmer forever and this is the most important. Given the research of scientists, rapid weight loss is due to the withdrawal of water from the body and when returning to the usual schedule of food intake, the kilograms again arrive. If for a couple of weeks to exclude a favorite product from the diet, for example, mayonnaise, there will be a result.
Nutritionists advise, responding to the popular question "how to lose weight very quickly," to give up fast carbohydrates. This is bread, products containing sugar. They saturate the body quickly, but just as quickly the sense of saturation passes. A large amount of sugar harms not only the figure and the goal of quickly losing weight, but also dangerous for health. High blood sugar can cause diabetes or cancer.
What is and what not to eat to lose weight?
Help to lose weight quickly, long carbohydrates, which support the body for a long time and the feeling of hunger appears later. Long carbohydrates are in the croup; the record holder is oatmeal. Bread substitute for bread. It is clear that a quick way to lose weight does not involve a large use of these products.
Reduce the amount of salt. Each time I salt a meal a little less than usual. Excess weight often appears due to fluid retention in the body. And the food, excessively salty, causes appetite, provoking to eat more.
In the struggle to quickly lose weight, be sure to pay attention to animal fats. Replace the butter, margarine and lard on vegetable, preferably olive oil. And to maintain the required protein, eat fatty fish instead of fatty meat, chicken, eggs.
Many diets claim that a quick way to lose weight is not eating after 18 hours. But it's not right. For the human body, such selective starvation is not natural. It is known that any living creature in a stressful situation tends to accumulate energy for future periods. The body will not burn more calories, it will tend to keep them, stretch for a longer period. Doing sports in a state of hunger is not possible, too much fatigue.
Doctors unanimously repeat that it is necessary to eat with small intervals and small portions - no more than 200. In the evening, contrary to the well-known belief, one should not eat fruit, it is better to eat vegetables. You can in pure form or a salad with vegetable oil and lemon juice. Drink more water. If the feeling of hunger is played out in the evening, low-fat yogurt or yogurt will help, eat a little cottage cheese.
Now biologically active additives are spread. Advertising and is full of slogans about fast ways to lose weight with pills. People who are desperate to lose weight, eat BAD. It is proved that there is no benefit from them, on the contrary, many cause deplorable consequences, drying up the body, depriving it of the necessary liquid, cause dehydration.
Physical exercises
Regular physical exertion is useful for any organism, especially for a person who is overweight. It is important to find the right approach. You cannot train only the press to remove the fat from your stomach. As a result, you will receive a belly that has increased in volume. Of course, the muscles will grow, become elastic, but the fat itself will not go anywhere. Any exercise should be combined with proper diet and daily regimen. The organism needs to rest. Physical loads should be moderately important regularity and correct distribution to all parts of the body. Take yourself for the habit of doing exercises every day and see the result!
Surgical intervention
There are cases when you cannot do without surgeons. There is an operation to reduce the stomach - this is really a quick way to lose weight. It is relevant for very full people, whose weight cannot be met by the heart and other organs. Part of the stomach is stitched, and there is a huge amount of food impossible, due to which a person grows thin.

Liposuction is common. Fat is pumped out with a special tool. After such interventions, there is no guarantee that the weight will not return. There is a percentage of the negative result, when in the pursuit of beauty, the entire organism is harmed (blood poisoning, anesthesia).

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